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South Central Mountain Regional Task Force
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South Central Mountains Regional Task Force Calendar
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South Central Mountains Regional Task Force Calendar
Executive Board Meeting -- In Person
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the executive board and task force stakeholders.
G-235 Emergency Planning
This program is designed to provide emergency management personnel (planners) with the ability to write comprehensive emergency management plans in concert with Federal, State, local, and tribal plans.
Tactical Medical Class - Cancelled Due to Weather Threat
Topics to include: History and Response - past and present - to active shooter and bombing incidents, Basics of hemorrhage control, airway, ventilation, penetrating trauma, and shock, Role of incident command; law enforcement / EMS coordination, Role of triage, evacuation, and casualty collection, Case Study: The Aurora Experience / response to a movie theater mass shooting, Ballistics, Explosives, and the physiology of wounding, Mitigation of scene hazards, New perspectives on the medical response to dynamic MCI incidents, and Hands on Active Shooter - MCI training. This course integrates guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC).
Tactical Medical Class
Topics to include: History and Response - past and present - to active shooter and bombing incidents, Basics of hemorrhage control, airway, ventilation, penetrating trauma, and shock, Role of incident command; law enforcement / EMS coordination, Role of triage, evacuation, and casualty collection, Case Study: The Aurora Experience / response to a movie theater mass shooting, Ballistics, Explosives, and the physiology of wounding, Mitigation of scene hazards, New perspectives on the medical response to dynamic MCI incidents, and Hands on Active Shooter - MCI training. This course integrates guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC).
Executive Board Meeting -- Conference Call
This is the monthly coordination call of the SCMRTF executive board and its stakeholders.
Coordinated Disaster Communications
Natural Disaster Awareness for Senior Care Givers
This 4-hour course is designed to enhance the caregiver’s awareness of vulnerability factors associated with senior citizens.
Tactical Medical Class
Topics to include: History and Response - past and present - to active shooter and bombing incidents, Basics of hemorrhage control, airway, ventilation, penetrating trauma, and shock, Role of incident command; law enforcement / EMS coordination, Role of triage, evacuation, and casualty collection, Case Study: The Aurora Experience / response to a movie theater mass shooting, Ballistics, Explosives, and the physiology of wounding, Mitigation of scene hazards, New perspectives on the medical response to dynamic MCI incidents, and Hands on Active Shooter - MCI training. This course integrates guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC).
Tactical Medical Class
Topics to include: History and Response - past and present - to active shooter and bombing incidents, Basics of hemorrhage control, airway, ventilation, penetrating trauma, and shock, Role of incident command; law enforcement / EMS coordination, Role of triage, evacuation, and casualty collection, Case Study: The Aurora Experience / response to a movie theater mass shooting, Ballistics, Explosives, and the physiology of wounding, Mitigation of scene hazards, New perspectives on the medical response to dynamic MCI incidents, and Hands on Active Shooter - MCI training. This course integrates guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC).
Basic Public Information Officer
This course focuses on essential emergency PIO functions. The course will teach PIOs how to write a news release, conduct an on-camera interview and prepare awareness campaigns. The class is a prerequisite for the Advanced Public Information Course (E388) at the Emergency Management Institute. Elective for Advanced Professional Series (APS) certification.
Tactical Medical Class
Topics to include: History and Response - past and present - to active shooter and bombing incidents, Basics of hemorrhage control, airway, ventilation, penetrating trauma, and shock, Role of incident command; law enforcement / EMS coordination, Role of triage, evacuation, and casualty collection, Case Study: The Aurora Experience / response to a movie theater mass shooting, Ballistics, Explosives, and the physiology of wounding, Mitigation of scene hazards, New perspectives on the medical response to dynamic MCI incidents, and Hands on Active Shooter - MCI training. This course integrates guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC).
SCMRTF Annual Symposium
This is the annual get-together of all the task force stakeholders for the opportunity to network, plan for the year ahead, and review assets. In 2015, it will be held in tandem with the regional hazmat conference at Raystown Resort. The symposium is Thursday and the hazmat conference is Friday. There will be a picnic dinner to conclude the symposium Thursday evening. Please be sure to let us know of your plans to stay for the dinner (at bottom of registration form).
Preparing the Commonwealth for Emerging Threats and Disasters
Plenary and workshop sessions include: Sheri Fink, MD, winner of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting, journalist with the New York Times and author of Five Days at Memorial; emergency department physician's role during a response; psychological first aid; Sand Hook Elementary School Lessons Learned; and more.
ICS 300
ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents: ICS-300 provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced knowledge and application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses.
ICS 400
ICS-400 Advanced ICS: This course provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of ICS. This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100 through ICS-300.
Executive Board Meeting -- In Person
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the task force executive board and its stakeholders.
G-235 Emergency Planning - CANCELLED
Site Monitoring Review
Apr 27, 2015 08:00 AM
Apr 30, 2015 05:00 PM
All 8 counties
The State Administrative Agency (PEMA) will conduct its regular on-site monitoring visit to review and discuss program and financial records and processes and check on equipment. A detailed agenda will arrive before the visit.
Tactical Medical Class
Topics to include: History and Response - past and present - to active shooter and bombing incidents, Basics of hemorrhage control, airway, ventilation, penetrating trauma, and shock, Role of incident command; law enforcement / EMS coordination, Role of triage, evacuation, and casualty collection, Case Study: The Aurora Experience / response to a movie theater mass shooting, Ballistics, Explosives, and the physiology of wounding, Mitigation of scene hazards, New perspectives on the medical response to dynamic MCI incidents, and Hands on Active Shooter - MCI training. This course integrates guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC).
ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents: ICS-300 provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced knowledge and application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses.
G-290 Public Information Officer
This class focuses on essential emergency PIO functions and will teach PIOs how to write a news release, conduct an on-camera interview and prepare awareness campaigns. This class fulfills a requirement for the Pennsylvania Professional Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator certification. The class is a prerequisite for the Advanced Public Information Course (E388) at the Emergency Management Institute and is an Elective for Advanced Professional Series (APS) certification. Target Audience: This updated 16-hour course is designed for the new or less experienced Public Information Officer (PIO) or for anyone who may be asked to fill the role in an expanding incident. HCEMA also STRONGLY ENCOURAGES school, municipal, business and industry information officers along with current public media professionals to attend in order to create an immersive and interactive learning environment. Strongly encouraged prior to attendance: IS29, Public Information Officer Awareness Course – available online at
Sovereign Citizen Awareness Training
Monitoring Visit Entrance Conference
A short meeting of stakeholders and PEMA to discuss the week's monitoring visit and previous findings, if any.
ICS-EOC Interface Workshop
The ICS/EOC Interface Workshop (G191) is designed to provide participants the ability to develop ICS/EOC interface implementation strategies or action plans for their communities. By proposing and discussing options in a neutral environment, and helping them understand that there are no rigid solutions to the ICS/EOC interface issues, students learn flexible and expandable actions for managing incidents.
G-364 Emergency Planning for Schools
Hospital/EMS Decontamination Refresher
Table Top Exercise
MILO System Open for Training
2015 Southern Alleghenies Regional LEPC Conference!speakers/cfvg
Executive Board Meeting
This is monthly coordination meeting of the SCMRTF executive board for program updates, payments of bills and round-table discussion
EMS Committee Meeting
Advanced Burn Life Support Class
Task Force Executive Board Meeting
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's public health stakeholders.
Fire/Rescue/Hazmat Committee Meeting
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's fire, rescue, hazardous materials response community.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's Emergency Medical Services community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the SCMRTF executive board, its committee heads and other regional stakeholders.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's public health community.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's Emergency Medical Services community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the SCMRTF executive board, committee heads and other regional stakeholders.
GIS Workgroup Meeting
This is the quarterly coordination meeting of the regional GIS working group.
Agriculture Working Group
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's agriculture preparedness working group.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's public health community.
Fire/Rescue/Hazmat Committee Meeting
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's fire, rescue and hazardous materials response community.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's Emergency Medical Services community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the SCMRTF executive board, committee heads and other regional stakeholders.
Fire/Rescue/Hazmat Committee Meeting
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's fire, rescue and hazardous materials response community.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's public health community.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly meeting of the region's Emergency Medical Services community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the SCMRTF executive board, committee heads and other regional stakeholders.
Agriculture Working Group
This is the bi-monthly meeting of the region's working group for Agriculture preparedness.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's public health community.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly meeting of the region's Emergency Medical Services community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the SCMRTF executive board, committee heads and other regional stakeholders.
GIS Workgroup Meeting
This is the quarterly coordination meeting of the region's GIS working group.
Oil Response -- Fast Water Practical Training
After completing this course, participants will be able to: • Demonstrate how to read a river for determination of flow rates, debris patterns in currents, and selection of safe oil recovery locations. • Select an appropriate method of boom deployment on a fast water river. • Demonstrate the deployment of boom on fast water to a recovery site down river. • Select an appropriate method of protecting sensitive areas of a river with boom. • Establish a safe and effective oil recovery operation and site. • Demonstrate safe boat operations on fast water rivers. • Recognize health and safety issues associated with field operations involving oil recovery on fast water rivers.
ICS 400
ICS-400 Advanced ICS: This course provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of ICS. This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100 through ICS-300.
FRHM Committee Meeting
This is the bi-monthly meeting of the region's fire, rescue and hazardous materials response community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the task force executive board and stakeholders.
Agriculture Working Group
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's agriculture and animal community.
Agriculture Working Group
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's agriculture and animal community.
Agriculture Working Group
This is the bi-monthly coordination meeting of the region's agriculture and animal community.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's hospital, public health and medical community.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's hospital, public health and medical community.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's hospital, public health and medical community.
SCMRTF Annual Symposium
This is the annual get-together of all the task force stakeholders for the opportunity to network, plan for the year ahead, and review assets. This year's theme is "A Partnership for Safety", a reminder that we must work as a community to be and stay safe and prepared for hazards of all kinds. A draft agenda is included here, and you can register by completing the registration form at the link at right.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the task force executive board, membership and stakeholders. The time of the meeting is earlier than the normal start to accommodate a webinar presentation by FirstNet.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the regional task force membership and stakeholders. The March meeting is moved from its regular date (second Wednesday of the month) to this date due to a conflict with the PEMA Grants Workshop
Joint Active Shooter Training (Pilot Course)
This pilot training will focus on tactical medicine day one and joint law enforcement-EMS active shooter protocols day two. The class is limited to 40 students.
G-402 ICS Training for Executives and Senior Officials
This presentation is to familiarize Executives/Senior Officials (elected officials, city/county managers, agency administrators, etc.) with Incident Command System (ICS) principles and their role in supporting incident management.
Water Rescue for the First Responder
This class is a three-hour awareness class for anyone responding to a water emergency. Topics include scene assessment, evaluation of existing and potential water hazards, scene management, rescue vs. recovery and personal safety measures. Course meets NFPA 1670, Awareness Level Guidelines.
Water Rescue and Emergency Response - CANCELLED
This 16-hour course includes many valuable swift water rescue techniques. The course provides the base on which all other Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission courses are built. Using both classroom and practical hands-on training, Water Rescue and Emergency Response covers planning, medical considerations, rescue equipment, self-rescue and shore-based rescue techniques. This course meets or exceeds NFPA 1670 operator level guidelines.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the task force executive board, committee chairs and vice chairs and other stakeholders
Fire/Rescue/Hazmat Committee Meeting
This is the coordination meeting of the region's fire, rescue, hazardous materials community. The committee meets every other month.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's health and medical community.
Water Rescue and Emergency Response
This 16-hour course includes many valuable swift water rescue techniques. The course provides the base on which all other Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission courses are built. Using both classroom and practical hands-on training, Water Rescue and Emergency Response covers planning, medical considerations, rescue equipment, self-rescue and shore-based rescue techniques. This course meets or exceeds NFPA 1670 operator level guidelines.
Rescue Team/Active Shooter Class
Course Objectives: Awareness of new supplies in the region; awareness of increased survivability during tactical operations; knowledge of law enforcement procedures in an active shooter event; awareness of a joint EMS-law enforcement response guideline and dispatch protocol in the region. Target Audience: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers (both days) and local and regional law enforcement (day two).
Emergency Boat Operation and Rescue - CANCELLED
Advanced Line Systems Rescue - CANCELLED
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's health and medical community.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the South Central Mountains Regional Task Force executive board and the task force's stakeholders.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's EMS community.
Law Enforcement Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's law enforcement community.
Agriculture Working Group
This is the bi-monthly meeting of the agriculture and animal community.
FRHM Committee Meeting
This is the bi-monthly meeting of the region's fire, rescue and hazardous materials community. Because the July meeting falls on a holiday, it was moved backward a week to this date.
Rescue Team/Active Shooter Class
Course Objectives: Awareness of new supplies in the region; tactical medicine; awareness of increased survivability during tactical operations; knowledge of law enforcement procedures in an active shooter event; awareness of a joint EMS-law enforcement response guideline and dispatch protocol in the region. Target Audience: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers (both days) and local and regional law enforcement (day two).
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
Working lunch to craft healthcare coalition by-laws.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
Conference call to continue crafting healthcare coalition bylaws.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
Discussion to continue crafting healthcare coalition bylaws.
Information Sharing Table Top Exercise
Emergency response planning and training activities in SCMRTF. Current information sharing and intelligence sharing procedures. The importance of information sharing and intelligence sharing during the implementation of an incident command system. Various discipline requirements for information sharing and intelligence sharing. Strengths and weaknesses of using social media to augment information. sharing. The following core capabilities will be considered: Intelligence and Information Sharing; Operational Communications; Operational Coordination.
Information Sharing Table Top Exercise
Emergency response planning and training activities in SCMRTF. Current information sharing and intelligence sharing procedures. The importance of information sharing and intelligence sharing during the implementation of an incident command system. Various discipline requirements for information sharing and intelligence sharing. Strengths and weaknesses of using social media to augment information. sharing. The following core capabilities will be considered: Intelligence and Information Sharing; Operational Communications; Operational Coordination.
Health and Medical Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's health care providers. It was moved one day forward to allow committee members to attend the task force's information-sharing tabletop exercise August 4.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the executive board and task force committee leaders and stakeholders.
Executive Board Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the executive board and the task force committee leaders and stakeholders.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's EMS providers.
Law Enforcement Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's law enforcement agencies.
Assisting Individuals in Crisis
Course Overview: As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid”. This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual crisis intervention. This two-day course is designed for anyone who desires to increase their knowledge of individual (one-on-one) crisis intervention techniques in the fields of Public Safety, Business & Industry, Crisis Intervention, Disaster Response, Education, Emergency Services, Employee Assistance, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Mental Health, Military, Spiritual Care, and Traumatic Stress. Program Highlights: • Psychological crisis and psychological crisis intervention • Resistance, resiliency, recovery continuum • Critical incident stress management • Evidence-based practice • Basic crisis communication techniques • Common psychological and behavioral crisis reactions • SAFER-Revised model • Suicide intervention • Risks of iatrogenic “harm” Continuing Education Information: 13 Contact Hours;13 CE Credits for Psychologists; 13 PDHs for EAPs; 13 CE Hours for Calif. MFTs & LCSWs; 13 CE Credits for National Certified Addiction Counselors OR 1.3 General CEUs from UMBC.
EMS Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's Emergency Medical Services community.
Law Enforcement Committee Meeting
This is the monthly coordination meeting of the region's law enforcement community.
Hazardous Materials Decontamination Training - CANCELLED
Course Objectives: This 8-hour class will review the concepts of decontamination methods as they relate to protecting patients and first responders from further exposure to toxic substances. Students will understand the concepts of contamination and exposure limits as they relate to their levels of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Several types of decontamination will be reviewed, including emergency, technical, mass and non-ambulatory patient decontamination procedures. Each type will be demonstrated during hands-on exercises and students will have an opportunity to participate. Students are encouraged to bring decontamination equipment from their own fire companies so they become more acclimated to the use of their specific decontamination equipment and supplies. Students MUST also bring firefighters’ PPE self-contained breathing apparatus.
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